20040212 (CCC)
Journal: February 12, 2004
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Government                            Jail Time

Two events of interest today: (1) election of dorm rep, and (2) ping pong tournament.

(1) The election was between a “gansta” jerk (even to other ganstas) and an educated guy. The jerk was in the “in” clique and won. I was amazed. When I heard the 2 candidates’ names I thought the educated guy would get all the votes. Wow, was I wrong. I am in prison and the criminal mind wins here. He promised special treatment for those who voted for him and punishment for those who voted against him: same as regular politics. Are most politicians of the criminal mind or engaging in criminal conduct?

(2) The ping pong tournament. I lost one and felt terrible, humiliated, then won one and felt better. When I play I get too timid for fear of losing and held back my slams. If I relaxed I could win much easier. This reminds me of my free throw shooting at New Castle and Davidson, the more I concentrated the worse I became.