20040214 (CCC)
Journal: February 14, 2004
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Jail Time                            Morality (Shame)

Reading a book on Family Shame, and several descriptions fit me and my “family of origins” as they call it in the book. Empirically my emotional separation and intellectualization are possible, even likely, manifestation of a "shame-based” family.

Maybe I need to pursue what the “shaming event” is. Pom and Char “having” to get married? Getting kicked of the B-ball team? Dad’s failure at business? My impotence? And do I really hide behind masks? And is the “goal of therapy” really an achievable, “healthy” family? With “full personhood” and “mature emotions” for all members?

Do any people ever attain that? Or is “dysfunction” the normal, inescapable human condition? If not, are we “dysfunctional or not? What is our way of life? Maybe it’s not even really dysfunctional? Sure it leads to pain, but so what? Perhaps my shame is from taking any girl or even friend home (to meet my parents, one or the other of whom invariably expressed “reservations” about my choices of women and friends, added 7 Aug 2016)