Journal: December 26, 2012
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Acceptance                              Idea of God                              Thank God for the Killings

Thank the gods or chance or aliens (my sister's favorite) or whatever for this world that brings me more information than I can handle; information upon which I must base and readjust my plans about how to enter heaven, today and forever.

God is good, right? God is all powerful, right? So "what is", is what God wants, so it must be good, right?

Or perhaps, as I have been told, "evil" is loose in the world challenging God's goodness, tempting the weak-willed to do bad things, like shoot innocent children? (by the way I have no idea if those children were innocent though I suspect they were all pretty good liars).

If true, then if God does not like it, then God is not all powerful, but if God does like it, then God wants it, and, because God is good, it, i.e. evil, is good. "Now how can that be that evil is good?" one might ask; "Just so", one might answer.

The jaws and claws of the cat are God's gift as are the legs of El-arairah (the god of rabbits in the wonderful book, Watership Down). One's evil is the other's good. Who am I to judge God's wisdom or his gift to me; the world and awareness of the world. Awareness upon which to base all ALL thoughts, feelings, and beliefs within my ken. Thank God for the killings.

Merry Christmas from an obsessive contrarian.

"Thank God for the Killings" was written less than two weeks after the Sandy Hook grade-school killings

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