20040316 (CCC)
Journal: March 16, 2004
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Jail Time

This is my last entry at CCC
Today SSC group at 11:00am (delayed an hour), Randy Allman informed me and the group that I might be sent back to jail because CCC was not equipped or staffed to cope with significant medical problems. I asked what medical problem and he said my eye. He indicated CCC could not (1) cover such costs, (2) provide such staff time to take me to the numerous appointments, and (3) could not accept the disruptions to group caused by my trips. I indicated I was paying and could reschedule my trips to preserve group attendance. At 2:30 he called me back to his office and had me reschedule my appointments. I rescheduled for 3/29 at 2:30, a week from Monday.

If time and quickness is an issue with my potential blindness, this delay at CCC’s insistence may be important. I still have not made the appointments for the recommended hospital tests though I could as requested by Dr. Brockman. Randy asked if they were really necessary to treat my eye?

At 8:00pm Jan, the psychologist called me for her standard weekly session. Jan expressed shock at how had been “mistreated” (her word). She tried to understand how CCC could be so uncooperative with such a serious medical condition as my potential blindness. We talked about it for about 45 minutes and I relayed what had transpired. She left a message on Randy Allman’s voice mail asking, “How can CCC respond to my emergency?” She would be a good witness in a suit. Regarding Randy’s charge that I was not disclosing and was “intellectualizing”, Jan said many CCC people do this, e.g. Song Jang.