20040201 (CCC)
Journal: February 1, 2004
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Gender Rights                            Jail Time                            Morality (sports doping)                            Self

The Super Bowl is on. I feel strange. I used to be an athlete and sports fan, but I find the fanaticism and excitement somehow scary and depressing now. The last time I got excited about a game was when UNLV played and lost to Duke and I got mad and slapped my knee. I hate the feeling of losing, so I didn’t play anymore. I also hate the successful players (corporate, govt. sponsored “sports and entertainment”) because (1) I am envious, and (2) they represent successful competition (hence fighting and beating other people). The values expressed by the steps in responsible thinking and barriers to such thinking are NOT what the successful in our society follow and that is what angers me, (1) because it is true, and because our society (male society) does not really endorse that value beyond giving lip service to the feminization of values. We men still want to kill and rape.