20040130 (CCC)
Journal: January 30, 2004
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Jail Time                            Souls

Watched the “Simpsons” again. This time I saw the family we discussed in group. Marge is the “enabling” mother, feeding Homer to keep him fat. Homer is the drunk, eater, goof “problem”, Bart is the typical “rebel”, and Lisa is the “good hero”. I have trouble placing these roles to my family as I grew up. Maybe Mom was enabling Dad, the workaholic, traveling, always gone “problem”. I was the “hero”, but I got in trouble so often maybe I was the “rebel”: drinking and smoking in H.S. vandalism in grade school (never discovered) especially at Halloween, blasting caps in the gravel pit. I always wanted to be accepted so I was so good in other things I had to be “bad” with friends to overcome my “hero” reputation. In my married family, Susie was the “problem”, drugs, inappropriate public behavior, I was the “enabler” and Heather was the “peacemaker”, but she hated it, learning to become hysterical when confronted with discomfort at home (why she left).