20040129 (CCC)
Journal: January 29, 2004
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Jail Time                            Self

Reading “Studs Lonigan” about his discomfort socially at a dance reminded me of my own feelings of social inadequacy. Like at my first day at the Church Street “Y” in the big city of New Castle when 10 or so, feeling lost and out of it in the pool room, but comfortable on the B-ball court, where skill, not social skill counted. On the B-ball court I was “good” but not when standing around talking. Since then I have been comfortable in things where skill can be measured, e.g. B-ball, school grades, but uncomfortable socially where wit and quickness count more than knowledge. This feeling even continues today, here in Dorm C and I still feel “out of it” socially but excel in the “assignments”. Maybe that is why I am so isolated, or was before I came into jail.