20141108 (J)
Journal: November 8, 2014
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Law and Justice                         Self

Dakota Wind Dance: Dakota Wind Dance commented yesterday, “Most people don’t know what they want, though they often know or say what they don’t want”. So what do I want? To live the next second, minute, day, eternity without intolerable pain. If the pain comes be able to ignore it; if not tolerate it; if not then die. Also enough food and shelter from the cold November winds will do just fine. I will probably get much more than I want today, glory be.

Truth: I talked to a lawyer today who said there might be an “angle” in the fact the arresting officer was not a true cop, being a Conservation District Policeman. I guess if my lawyer can build an edifice of “angles” I will be acquitted. The “angles” are those allowed by ritual, “precedence” in legal jargon. I just want to tell the judge the truth. No one else thinks that is a good idea. It seems the “truth” must be gotten at by Eifel Tower of angled arguments.