20130815 (J)
Journal: August 15, 2013
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Morality (marijuana)                    Idea of God                    Souls

Teri and God: After a pause of 3 months back to the journal – Teri stormed out as I disrespected her for point out that she tells God how to behave. I didn’t add (as a segue to more general discussion) that we often create God in our own image rather than vice-versa, as Teri quoted to me in defense of her pain and other such “feelings”. I asked her if she knew God better than anybody else. No answer. I suggested rather forcefully that the God she say she “believes in” is way beyond me.

If I am an image of God, I am an incomplete one, a mere mote in an ocean of galaxies. The God you speak of is infinite, I am not. He (for you believe her to be a he) is omnipotent, I am not. He was here when the dinosaurs roamed. I was not. He will be here when life evolves to silicon and iron. I will not.

Why Teri (and so many others) do you define humanness and even God in terms of “feelings”, which I certainly share with Angel, (her cat I am keeping while she looks for another place to live; she has been looking for a month and Angel and I have become good friends) instead of intellect which I do not so share with Angel. Teri and others ISTMRN consider such “feelings” as sacrosanct. “I am who I am” she quoted, as if it were some sort of “given” that she compared to “feelings” as one plus one equals two. As an aside, I told her I thought arithmetic was the most agreed upon thought in the human race, perhaps the only one.

Free Will: If there is such a thing as “free will”, surely who we “are” as expressed by thoughts, feelings, and actions is within the purview of that “freedom.” Rreedom may only be fair dice on a level table, quanta and space-time acknowledged. Teri believes in a cosmic struggle between God and Satan for her soul. The reconciliation of the options is beyond my ken and anyone’s as far as I can tell.

I have my preferences, vain though they are. Therein perhaps lies the freedom, in the uncertainty because certainty exclude alternatives. Alternatives are necessary for choice. But, well, "if a feeling contradicts some logical connection, that’s logic’s problem". Then she went out the door.

I dread her coming over, she invites herself to smoke my dope. I guess today I drove her away, as I have everyone. Am I crazy? Not to me, but it’s sort of like free will, sure seems to me like I have it, even if I don’t. I make choices when I shop for groceries, even if I don’t.

So there, out the door, for now.

Morality: So common, so common “Let’s kill some more heathens for Christ!” Currently Muslims are the heathens of choice. Christ is debauched, preferring civil rights as the banner of the Romans and their descendants the catholic church. Human rights, freedom, democracy; all based on a concept of “equality”. Morality beyond morality. Human rights especially now, women’s rights supersede “church-based” morality. No women voters or athletes means male dominated, patriarchal social structures that must be undone and replaced with “equality.