20130315 (J)
Journal: March 15, 2013
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Idea of "Other"                              Human Nature

Hurt with Kindness: I am kind and yet most people hurt me. They don’t usually intend to, they just do. Often they intend to help me, to show me the light, to make my life better, and that’s how they hurt me, because, you see, it can’t get any better than being alive and knowing I’m alive.

Purpose of the gods: Some believe there is a cosmic battle between good and evil, and as pawns in the battle we must choose sides. Everyone except a few contrarians choose to battle as a soldier for Good. I see it the other way around. We enlist the gods as our pawns in our moral battles with other people. The gods we enlist have many guises from Jehovah to “common human decency” the moral mantra of today’s civil society. Confucius had that as a theme long ago.