20111206 (J)
Journal: December 6, 2011
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Compassion                              Animal Souls                              Epistemology

Corvids: Definition of “casual reasoning”: awareness that one event leads to another.

from the an internet article: Cleverer minds than a child of four

from Wikipedia (Herding): “Although this kind of food caching system seems cooperative, it has been suggested that it is actually driven by selfish interests of the individual”

But isn’t that what “cooperation” is all about? – the selfish interest of the individual? cooperate and survive better? just by a more sophisticated route. I greatly enjoyed cheered at and cursed at the article on Corvid (crows, ravens, jays, et al.). I was searching “caching” to relate it to human origins of specialized labor and warrior/kingship (i.e. the “protector” of the cache, for a portion). Perhaps even the idea of “gathering” together the “scattered” individual caches, so perhaps taxes proceeded even surplus, as sparrows outside my window peck at food in another’s beak, sometimes even stealing it.