20100730 (J)
Journal: July 30, 2010
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Space, Contrarianism, and Insanity: If “space” itself is expanding, then the space inside an atom and even a proton, anything that is not a Euclidian point, a pure mathematical construct, is also expanding. So does all matter, i.e. atoms expand? And has all “matter” expanded at the same rate as the universe?

I suspect the answer must be “yes”. As far as I can tell there are not more than one of each “space” and “time”, with all matter and energy occupying a unique place in space-time of the universe. So the “space” inside a proton has perhaps behaved the same as the space between galaxies. So if each proton has expanded as much as the universe, at least since their birth less than a second after the “big bang” when the “universe” all its matter and energy, dark included, was compressed into the size of a baseball, then how do protons fit in expanding space unless they were almost infinitely smaller just after the big bang? But if the expansion of space occupied by a proton also expands, then the laws of physics would also seem to be required to scale too.

Volume-dependent processes (G ∝ r2, or surface of a sphere) would not work if not scaled; e.g. interactions of electrons in atomic probability spaces (different kind of space), i.e. repulsion depends on distance in space.

I try not to worry about things but sometimes events overtake intentions and demand attention like a gout attack on my left knee. This one seems to have gone away after two days of bothersome, slightly limping pain and two days of swelling and stiffness but no pain.

I think I am a contrarian and have been ever since that political discussion in the locker room during my first week at Davidson in 1964. I think I vowed then to never lose another argument by always providing an equally valid alternative point of view. So I:
       •   program in BASIC while colleagues used FORTAN,
       •   get a PhD in a science without “cracking an equation” or “cracking” a book,
       •   sit alone smoking dope and jotting notes on unanswerable philosophic questions in my journal
             (typing them doped on Aug 10, 2016; transferring them to web format still doped on Jun 6, 2020);
       •   and other such contrarian things.

Am I insane? I’ve certainly seen enough psychiatrists to make me insane, and all they want(ed) to do is ply me with drugs on the chance they might help me avert self-destructive out bursts of my bi-polar insanity, in either depressive of manic states. One leads to thoughts of suicide, the other to very poor judgements of consequences of my actions, so they say, e.g. my arrest and prison.