20040204 (CCC)
Journal: February 4, 2004
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Jail Time                            Morality                            Science                            Self

I received three science magazines today after church and buried myself in reading them. Gaining knowledge, at least trying to, excites me. I think it feeds what is left of my “good boy” behavior. I am extremely well informed scientifically (physical science the top 0.1%; however not so good in life and social sciences but still in the top 1-5%). I think many people “say” they respect that knowledge but in fact they resent it. Science is not democratic. It debunks the idea that all opinions are equal; it says, “I am right – you are wrong” and that is not PC now nor has it ever been. That line of inquiry makes me angry and sad and resentful. Superior self-image? Sure!

It was fun to get lost in science and science debates. I read one article, actually a book review, by a pompous ass projecting the image “It must be incomprehensible” to be good science. I could not understand a word he wrote and I became angry that the science establishment hides behind pomposity; so with my experience with the NAS.