Email to Mark Wilkerson
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20200726                  Epistemology                  Greek Goddess                  Self

From: Scott Sinnock (, July 26, 2020, 11:15 PM
To:     Mark Wilkerson (

Aren't procedures wonderful? I wouldn't know what to do without them. I finished transferring journal entries to web pages, now defining another procedure for reviewing (maybe first describing the database). Anyway I will convert whatever I do into a procedure. I even have a procedure for drying after my morning shower (that's another procedure, the morning shit, shower, pills, inhalers, dress, catch the view or news, breakfast out, home, dope, each with subprocedures). I am just a creature of habit and I don't forget to thank Iris most nights.

She put on quite a show with her sunset in the east tonight. She colored the clouds peach, orange, and red above Grand Mesa. I find the greek gods and goddesses useful to thank my gods, especially the fates, which some say control even Zeus (God with a capital "G"). I don't know about that, that's way above my pay grade.