20160828 (J)
Journal: August 28, 2016
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Animal Souls                Letter to Steve Newcomb

Yesterday or so I watched a male mosquito, the big non-biting ones, attempting to enter my apartment, butting against the same spot at the top of my window. Actually, not the same spot, but a systematic search centered about a 100 cm2 ellipse in the upper corner of the window. The search went out and down about 20 cm with decreasing density of search radially. Once he extended his search beyond that behind the window post; and appeared near the bottom of the window 1 meter below the search center. Then he immediately returned to the same spot and began to butt his head on the window in the same pattern, actually not his head but his antennae. After his “long range search” he continued on the same spot for 8 minutes. So after incessantly compelled to attempt to enter my apartment directing his attention to heat I suspect (IR is maximum on upper windows). The search pattern the same, “random walk” around a central smudged area.

After the 8 minutes, a “switch” occurred (perhaps a “count” of failures) and he bounced once 20 cm away then 60 and was gone. His behavior demonstrates a great computer program.