20131031 (ON)
Journal: October 31, 2013
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Commerce and Government                   Morality                   Science (as Astrology)                   Thought Process

Leadership: Tom Hunter, my old colleague and boss, smart as a whip, great with other boy scientists and engineers at Sandia (he eventually became President) and everyone else, including Susan Grogran with the big tits from Environmental Assessment days in Rockville, MD. Susan made a move on Tom, then me, then finally shacked up with Paul Gnirk at his South Dakota ranch.

Tom was always good a leader from behind, being able to read the crowd's movement before the crowd. He used his great talents to think up reasons why Americans should be afraid, as he headed up the presidential commission of "threat to the nation". He became an expert in security threats to America. In his last speech he mentioned "cyber security" as the number one threat as does everyone nowadays. Perhaps he was a leader there, and he is now a minor presidential spokesman. Oh Tom, how could you use your best to tell us to be our worst - fearing.

Physics as Astrology: I think modern physics shares much with the astrology of old. When Dante and others referred to cause "in the stars", they referred to effects emanating from the most immutable of things, the stars -- always where they should be, precisely, exactly, reliably, predictably, determinable. Sounds sort of like modern physics to me, "cause" emanating from the most the reliable, most determinable things known and most predictable (i.e. material determinism in general, calculus of Newton or G α M/R2 as extended by tensors of Einstein and Plank that reach realms beyond our senses). With quantum physics we even leave room for free will, which used to be reserved for religion, as in Dante's time.

Again like modern physicists, astrologers of old also said "Nature does not compel, she only impels". And so it seems to me modern physics is the current manifestation of much the same belief as medieval astrology: "truth" is to be found in the stars, not in our hearts; truth is material not spiritual.

That Siren sings a beautiful song. Though Urania wept 800 years ago through Dante, she still weeps today.