20130831 (J)
Journal: August 31, 2013
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Am I My Brother's Keeper? (Genesis)                         Appearance and Reality                         Science (Space)                         Epistemology

We: “We” don’t know anything as in “We know the earth orbits the sun.” I may or may not know that; you may or may not know that. Probably neither of us “knows” that. Someone else or many that we trust has told us it’s true; and told us by math, gravity, inverse square law that it is true. It all makes sense (I can’t dispute it with my senses). But, DAMN IT, the sun moves across the sky while I stay still.

“We” is often used in such ways, even by me. But that “we” does not, cannot, “know” in the same way “I” can. Maybe whatever “we” refers to, knows things also, but I ‘can’t know what we know, only what I know. I suspect everyone else “knows” the same. “We” don’t know anything is an intriguing speculation, wherever “intriguing” comes from.

This “I” thing seems to intrigue others as well. ISTMRN in our age many see the world as a map before them on a table: a map of isometric space coordinates of infinite 3D extent, but “arbitrary” zero point coordinates located because of scale, purpose, or 2D representations (as in a wall map, Mercator, polar projections, all maps distort the thing they map). They see the world as “out there” in which "I" am but an arbitrary, meaningless zero-point.

Astronomers provide another view, a view from the center: azimuth, ascension, and declension from “me” rather than infinite orthogonal line “through” me; three degrees of freedom, rather than six (to form a line which is the basis of all geometry).

Are we not, spatial object that we are, the “observer” of quantum mechanics? And isn’t the entire expanding universe centered at each point? therefore at “me?” and "you"? So you see, I am the center of the universe, not some insignificant mote floating in the void of infinite space. Well, perhaps I am insignificant in the history of the universe, but I don’t seem “insignificant” to me; me who can recognize my own significance or its mirror image, insignificance (another Yin-Yang or Derrida binary). Which image do you prefer? I use both, but prefer signifcance.

Many seem to advise or admonish me to love my brother, so far so good, and take care of him in time of his need if able. I have a book, “The Bible for Dummies” that claims Cain fable proves God’s intent for us to take care of our fellow man (sorry girls, just quoting). Cain rhetorically asked God a question to which the answer was obvious, “No you are not your brother’ keeper, but you didn’t answer my question, you tried to deceive me, that is your sin.” I must be insane for I see the opposite of even what dummies know. I have been formally classified as bi-polar to receive Social Security Disability since I was 55; so am formally insane.