20130112 (ON)
Journal: January 12, 2013
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Appearance and Reality                         Desire

ISTMRN that many, including me, often look for "truth" on the outside. We look for "confirmation" of what is "inside", but on the "inside" is the only place that truth can be known. Measures and other observations of things "out there" can tell us much about what might be, but only by constructing images "inside" do we erect an edifice of truth, for each particular and its categories.

A problem I sometimes have is that building from particulars often leads to contradictions in the categories. Intuition and induction can lead to a city of "truths" rather than a single symmetrical, of course, shining building on the symmetrical, of course, hill (pun on physics obsession with symmetry). I like both the city's variety and symmetrical Olympus because I am too stupid to know the difference, but smart enough to know that, at least, this is my particular partial image of this muddled subject.