20120916 (ON)
Journal: September 16, 2012
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Email to Mark Wilkerson: Kill the Killers                              Appearance and Reality                              Idea of "Other"                              Souls

Epistemologists such as Kant, though they abandoned Plato's belief in forms, replaced it with a belief in the equally transcendent qualities of subjective mind (Descartes "cogito").
  1. Structuralism, however, also rejects the subjective self (ego) as the final source of meaning; the subjective self, too, is determined by material structures.
  2. Freud hastened the death of the self as a center or origin of meaning by showing that it is not the clear, meaningful patterns of our conscious minds that determine who we are as individuals but the deep hidden structures of our unconscious minds.
quote from "Chapter 72: Structuralism - Sausseure and Levi-Strauss" by Louis Markos, in Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition.