20120104 (J)
Journal: January 4, 2012
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Acceptance                      Betterment                     Human Nature

Improvement: Red and Rover cartoon New Year’s resolution, “Aim higher and dream bigger”. Why not aim lower and "live" rather than dream bigger by always being above your “desired” state (Aphorisms 15, 16) rather than in continual frustration for never achieving your goal? Goals are always higher, better, always striving, improving. About morals goals many say,

“The harder I work and the more I suffer, the more good I can do for others by lifting my small part of this considerable burden called now. I will never stop my efforts to leave each instant a better place than I found it, morally, materially, and spiritually.”

Why? ...... It seems pretty good the way things are to me. So I think I’ll just sit back and enjoy the ride on this juggernaut we call humanity – though there is death, an even bigger juggernaut coming ever closer on an unstoppable collision course with “me”.

As I watch the show unfold, I sometimes offer observations from this neutral perspective usually in the company of others, as I too join the “make it better” banter. You (I) gotta live with the way things are, you know, with the way of things.