20111119 (J)
Journal: November 19, 2011
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Climate Change                              Language                              Thought Process

Language: Do thoughts conjure words or do words conjure thoughts? I seem to sense a level, realm, instant time of thought preceding the flow of words into my consciousness.

Windmill Energy
Air (wind) @ 5m/s over 200 m (“depth” the windmill intercepts, turbine blades @ 40 m, with low pressure “pull-in” of 60 m, total radial distance 100 m, width 200 m)

Each turbine yields at maximum wind about 2 Mw. If the width is doubled as assumed here, each turbine “harvests” 0.75 Mw nearly half the energy from the wind, that has got to have a climatic impact, especially down-wind of a field of windmills.
1m wide column = 200 m2
@ 40 moles/m3 = 40,000 moles/s
@ 15 g/mole = 600,000 g/s
@ 5 m/s = 3,000,000 gm/s2
               = 3,000 kgm/s2
               = 3,000 Newtons

E = ½ mv2
    = 6.0 x 105 g/s x (5 m/s)2 / 2
    = 3.0 x 105 g/s x 25 m/s2
    = 7.5 x 106 gm2/s3
    = 7500 kilowatts = 0.75 MW
    = 7,500,000 J/s