20110625 (J)
Journal: June 25, 2011
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Death               Morality               Souls

New Journal Book: I filled my journal book they gave me at CCC, bought the same book (Mead Compostion 200 pages, 9¾ x 7½ in, wide ruled) to keep on journalling a habit I picked up in prison.

I think we have done right well by cows. Lots more exist now, just like us, because we eat them. Lots more less than would be the case without us almost certainly. In a feedlot or lush field, I doubt they wonder about what might have been or what could be, but rather wonder if this or that glance will reveal something to eat, or drink, or to avoid. I wonder if they ever wonder such as "That's an unusual arrangement of soil or plants". I doubt it. Their bellies full, they probably don't care about a lot until -- WHAM -- the cleaver strikes the skull, then it's all gone, instantly, no pain. It seems to me they do OK by us.