20101104 (J)
Journal: November 4, 2010
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Idea of God                              Thought Process

Salvation: I wonder if there is a salvation by knowledge, that if we build ever more machines we will reveal the truth and touch the face of God? Well, maybe her hem string. Each of us it seems to me can touch a different part of that hem.

But if only cognoscenti can appreciate the beauty and harmony of nature, whether by higher math or rigorous devotion, then most are condemned to “lessor” truth and beauty. But this consciousness, that I am pretty sure I share with most or all other humans (perhaps with dogs and spiders, but probably not trees) is 99.9% of truth and beauty; the other 0.1% is what we seem to delight in arguing endlessly about.

The same can be said of salvation by ritual, as if appealing to some magical universe. In fact many pursuits seem based on distinguishing one’s self and fellow travelers from the less enlightened masses. So only the lucky or diligent get to touch the face of God.

But being conscious, we all do, all the time.