20100506 (J)
Journal: May 6, 2010
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Human Rights (Gender)

Woman’s Lib: As I read about a woman post-doc in training, one of my first flashes of thought was negative. I don’t think I want a woman who is an equal or superior intellectually or any other way. I know this is very incorrect thinking in good society, but as I look ever deeper into habits and deeper yet into genes, I sense a strong basis for this misogynistic thinking.

Perhaps we can change the habits, even the very old ones, but the genes will still instruct (construct) other habits. We have criminalized male dominance behavior (any dominance behavior) and made it socially unacceptable for a man to hit a woman. This, of course, serves to diminish males’ obvious physical superiority, as judged, e.g., in a fight and used to control women or a woman by our genes.

So we are criminalizing our genes in an attempt to trade them for something from the spiritual "other world", social equality.