Las Vegas Years (Starting Prozac)
19951005                         Souls

I compiled this table in September and October 1995. I scheduled an appointment to talk with a psychiatrist, Dr. Laboratie, in early September. I withdrew from work so bad I was taking 2 hour drives each day and not showing up for work until 10am or so. I would hide behind posts in rooms to avoid having to talk with colleagues. Sensing depression, I scheduled the appointment; first available was in mid-October. Then in mid-September I was fired from my job of 17 years. I experienced severe loss of appetite and a feeling of detached unrealness. I called Laboratie, told him I was just fired and he saw me on September 26. As a good scientist, I recorded this table over the next few days as I started to take a mind-bending drug - Prozac. I had finally made it as a stressed-out, professional American male.

Date Noted Effect
9/26 Appointment with Dr. Laboratie, Prozac prescribed, jogged early PM
9/27 1st capsule, no noted effects, jogged Early PM, developing bad toothache
9/28 2nd capsule, agitation, "jitters" in AM after 2nd capsule, concentration not good, eyes "burning", heart racing occasionally, jogged early PM, very tired at night, dry mouth, toothache, "tic" in right eyebrow, trouble with both falling asleep, though tired, and waking depressed, "burning" in hands very painful in early AM of 29th trying to sleep
9/29 3rd capsule, awoke very depressed, morose, "burning" in hands and eyes, no appetite, "tightness" in face and forehead, "tic" persists in right eyebrow, sleepy at work, toothache, lethargic and tired, ate a big lunch and lots of fruit for dinner, toothache remains, general jitteriness. To bed late, about 2:00 am, trouble falling asleep, awoke with terrible case of "tremors", whole body shaking in waves, spent most of night shaking
9/30 4th capsule, awoke depressed, not hungry all day, exercise by rock scrambling at Red Rock, "burning" very bad in hands in the evening, very tired at night, went to bed early, 10:00, slept well till 7:00
10/1 5th capsule, awoke tired even after long sleep, "burning" in hands very painful, tired all day, dozed on and off, head ache, a dull full feeling, associated with tired feeling, break out in sweats for no reason, very depressed all day, no appetite, just sat around the house, no interest in anything, unable to concentrate, no jitteriness, but "burning" in hands bothersome, "tic" in right eyebrow remains, toothache subsides, went to bed at 8:30, slept soundly till 5:00 am then fitfully till 6:30, "burning" very painful in hands while waiting to get up at 6:30, while laying in bed intense awareness of smells as if my sense of smell returned after a long absence
10/2 6th capsule, awoke feeling refreshed, but "tight skinned", detached, aloof, slight jitters returned one hour after taking capsule, "tic" in right eyebrow remains, felt good in afternoon and evening, not hungry but ate a little supper, "old self" almost, jogged in evening, not tired, to bed at midnight, slept poorly, occasional dry mouth and throat at night, dozed off and on all night, severe "burning" in hands and, now in stomach skin, awoke tired
10/3 7th capsule, awoke tired, very slight "tremors" in AM before getting out of bed, not hungry, cereal was hard to get down, slightly nauseous, tooth extracted with novocaine shots early AM, hands "burning", depression deepened during the day, and evening, no appetite at night, bed at 11:00, unable to sleep all night, rolled on the floor, rocked in fetal position, and paced in room several times during the night, angry, depressed, very painful "burning" in hands spread to arms shoulders and even stomach and chest, I am very sick and getting sicker, got up at 6:15 am after no sleep
10/4 8th capsule, very depressed, slow moving in morning, sluggish speach, not hungry but forced a doughnut down for breakfast, attended outplacement seminar, helped a little to see others in similar position, very tired, to bed at 10:00 after taking flexeril, slept well
10/5 9th capsule, energy higher, twitch in right eyebrow still, agitated, nervous, ate a lunch for first time in a week