This category overlaps with Epistemology Idea of "Other".
Language is how we communicate thoughts and feelings from one human mind to another. It is how we try to bridge that existential gap between understanding in my mind and yours.
Language as used here includes logic, mathematics, abstraction, generalization and other things that separated us from the rest of creation, if not in kind in overwhelming degree. The ability for spoken language separates us from other mammals that use body language better than we.
Language ties the Idea of "Other" and Idea of Time together and allows Morality to flourish in the human intellect.
Language is how we transit concepts from one generation to another, including avoidance of Death of the Soul. Immortality is the primal delusion, the foundation upon which so much of the "Other World" is built by language.
Language allows descriptions of reality far beyond body language. Spoken or written language based on these descriptions allows manipulation of the future by understanding necessity ("cause and effect", i.e. deduced from universal "laws" of physics) and space-time through other words or equations (i.e. language).