Couple By The Sea
May 1956, 6x6, pencil on paper
I remember drawing this picture from a book while sitting at the "picture window" at the Mt. Summit farm; despite my mother saving this, I wasn't encoaraged in art
My next attempt was also rejected, I drew a cartoon character in a highschool Russian language class at 16 and received a C the lowest grade I got in highschool;
then professional art until 2004 on parole with ankle monitor being unable to leave the apartment other than for groceries and school work. I enrolled in a drawing
and painting classes at McHenry County College, more to get out than art interest; I got hooked and made much of the art on this site from Oct 2004 to Nov 2005
I also gained 120 pounds (from 190 to 310) due to my own cooking; I'm back to 190, same weight while an athletic senior in highschool.
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36 x 36 inch square