Lao Tzu
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Happiness               Senses

                                                     Item 35

"Music or the smell of good cooking may
make people stop and enjoy.
But words that point to the Tao
seem monotonous and without flavor.
When you look for it there is nothing to see.
When you listen for it there is nothing to hear.
When you use it, it is inexhaustible."


The world of the senses is real. All our thoughts and words about the Tao, God, Morality, "the Other World", Plato's "light outside the cave", "all people are equal", etc., etc., etc. are all falderal, vanities of vanities. Yet, though completely beyond us to know or understand or even to talk about, the senses are indeed the nourishing ocean in which we swim. So if you stop and smell the roses now and then, you will smell roses; if you don't, you won't.