20160929 (J)
Journal: September 29, 2016
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Science (fire in the ocean)

Fire in the Ocean: We never left the ocean. We brought it with us. We wrap the ocean, the “pond scum” from which emerged protective semi-permeable membranes of "the fire in the ocean", the life giving burning of carbon in the presence of oxygen. The ocean is right here in our cytoplasm and hemoplasma which have almost the same pH and consequent chemistry as the ocean, the pond from which we came as a metaphor for an unknowable.

It seems nearly 50% of our DNA is devoted to cellular process developed by cyanobacteria. We are pond scum, at least our mitochondria; the engines of “life”. Life is perhaps but a series of semi-permeable membranes protecting the “fire in the ocean” including clothes, houses, cars and rationality; that predatory fire in the ocean preying on carbon and oxygen, but whatever works to keep the fire going is fair game.