20160326 (J)
Journal: March 26, 2016
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Albuquerque Years                           Las Vegas Years

Long overdue thanks to Pat Brannen and Martin Tierney, office mates at Sandia who taught me about “systems thinking”, which already fit with my outlook on life. Tom Hunter for the “engineering” part of systems thinking, several consultant for ways to organize decisions, Bobby Hartway of LATA, Bruce Judd of the west coast school and Hollis Call of the eastern school. Special thanks to the three Bills from the USGS, Bill Twenhofel, Bill Dudley, and Bill Wilson for their lessons in how to express my ideas in writing. Though often disagreed with my conclusions they suggested many ways to better express them. Holly Hartman, TRW, Regina Link Hunter, Sandia, among many others receive honorable mention. Thanks guys.