20141230 (J)
Journal: December 30, 2014
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Death                        Desire                        Idea of Time                        Noble Truth 1                        Noble Truth 2

Worry: Why should I worry about the future? The future holds my death, the present holds my life. Worries are life, not death. I could die of a stroke before I finish the sentence. It didn’t happen, thank you randomness. Or as I told Heather, a flying saucers could land on her head at any instant and kill her. Then all her worries for the future will have been for naught.

But if I don’t die, perhaps my worry and resulting actions directed at creating some future set of circumstances might even have some influence on those circumstances, maybe even making them “better” (e.g. storing enough food for a few days, stemming worry about having enough food to eat). But I still have to worry about how to prepare it, when to prepare it, how much to prepare, etc. So “worry” persists, its subject only changes. Eventually all worry will be for naught. Oh that I could extend that idea to all worry while I am alive. I am thankful to be alive despite worry and other suffering. I have trouble knowing the address to which to send my thank you card.