20141220 (J)
Journal: December 20, 2014
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Morality                                Self                                Epistemology

Umwelt or “my universe”: Jacob von Uexküll’s “umwelt” contains imaginings of “what is not”, often in preference to “what is”. Through time (the fundamental recognition) causes have effects (the other fundamental perhaps later recognition): Chronos and Ananke. Control or regulation of causes can lead to imagined effects in an imagined future. Let us not forget what is in pursuit of what is not.

Part of what is, is the life and awareness of life that I have. In fact it's all I have: my imaginings about both what is and what could be even should be. I try to keep the latter to a minimum, especially for others. I sometimes think I need (a “should”) to reign in my anger with others who tell others how to think and feel.