Journal: April 11, 2013
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Euterpe, Come Ride With Me Again was written as I listened to Bach and read the last words of Gulliver, both written about 1700. I am reminded of the governor of Glubbdubdrig who called up from the past whomever Gulliver wanted to talk with. I cried as Bach played in the background and I realized I am the governor. Here, NOW, I am commanding Bach to play for me and Swift to come into my home and teach me as they do so well. Thank you, both Johan's. For example, as Swift noted, we could if we've a mind learn from something from the houyhnhnms.

Morality:"But instead of proposal for conquering that magnanimous nation, I rather wish they were in a capacity or disposition to send a sufficient number of their inhabitants for civilizing Europe by teaching us the first princples of honor, justice, truth, temperance, public spirit, fortitude, chastity, friendship, benevolence, and fidelity. The names of all which virtues are still retained among us in most languages, and are to be met in some modern as well as ancient authors, which I am able to assert from my own small readings"
        Lemuel Gulliver, last chapter of his Travels, p362-363

I am a necromancer: I conjure the dead.