20130303 (J, ON)
Journal: March 3, 2013
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Idea of God                              Self                             (ON) Letter to Roger Ebert: Various Musings

(J) Self-Image: I looked in a mirror and saw an apparition of a white-bearded, long haired, deep-wrinkled-eyed god, pretty close to Michelangelo’s God reaching out to touch Adam in the center of the Sistine Chapel ceiling I wondered, “Have I adopted a God-like, Moses-like image to impress people with my wisdom? Am I but a cheap imitation in pursuit of Achilles glory? Do I DARE presume to be a god?” I looked some more as a smile crept into my heart and spread to my face while the words “Of course” passed my way. Followed by, “.... I and all people are gods who see and know but not the god that made seeing and knowing, that’s beyond our godly pay grade. So thanks god that made seeing and knowing possible for the glimpse.”

I prefer random chance that made seeing and knowing possible, but I can't rule out, "God did it" or "Aliens did it" (e.g. Von Daniken, Chariots of the Gods).