20130128 (J)
Journal: January 28, 2013
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Science (Sun's core)

Sun’s core and Uranium: I suspect the sun has a core of diffuse concentric spheres of elemental density, for the same reason the earth does, gravity. I also suspect enrichment of heavy metals toward the center of the solar system for the same reason. Jupiter probably has an iron-silicon-oxygen core maybe even similar to the whole earth. Given these assumptions, the sun must have at least the percentage of uranium and thorium as the earth which is near the center, perhaps enriched too though not as much as the sun. Beneath the silicon-oxygen lies the higher density iron; below that lie the heavy elements, concentrated from the solar- system’s “clarke” (to use a resource term) as represented by “pristine” meteorites.

It seems reasonable that the sun has the same uranium content as the earth, about 0.1 percent. One percent of that is U235. It seems the “fluid” plasma texture also would accentuate concentration of heavy metals. Countervailing is the mixing due to the same fluidity. I expect a diffuse fission zone much bigger than in the core of the earth, maybe by a factor of 100 not 100,000 the ratio of the masses. So “bathed in neutrons, I suspect a low level of “fission” contributes to the sun’s heat as the earth.