Journal: July 13, 2012
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Acceptance                        Improvement                        Death                        Idea of Time                        Language                        Thought Process                        written today Aphorism 7                        I've Never Had A Day
It was the best of times,
it was the worst of times,
it was the age of wisdom,
it was the age of foolishness,
it was the epoch of belief,
it was the epoch of incredulity,
it was the season of Light,
it was the season of Darkness,
it was the spring of hope,
it was the winter of despair,

we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way— in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
           Charles Dickens, the opening of "A Tale of Two Cities" copied from The Gutenberg Project

ISTMRN that Dickens made a universal statement. It's always the best and worst of times, et al. It seems our schizophrenia may be in part due to our bouncing back and forth between these ideas, beliefs, outlooks. It is the worst of times, children are starving in Biafra, getting bombed in Iraq and other wars raging across the land. But it is the best of times because Christ was upon earth and salvation is at hand! It is the best of times, the Bulls just won; it is the worst of times because I lost my job. It is the best of times because God or George Washington made America and freedom and democracy and the worst of times because the “other party” seeks to destroy these ideal (Guelphs and Gibbelines, then when Guelps won the split in black Guelphs and white Gruelfs)

It is the worst of times as species after species falls to our rapacious human appetites; it is the best of times that can feed, clothe, and shelter so many of God’s children, his greatest creature above all nature, us. It is the worst of times when I catch a red light while driving when I am late, but the best of times when I catch them all green, thanks girls (the three fates)...etc.
Acceptance vsImprovement

Schizophrenia: Much thinking, ISTMRN, must be intersections of conical cascades. An axon stimulates many dendrites, which pass along some signals to axons which pass signals on to dendrites which pass .... etc (neural conical cascades are like muon cascades in the atmosphere). For some reason some are filtered, perhaps in part nothing more than entropic decay below firing thresholds, perhaps actual chemical feedbacks block some pathways and only a few of the “world lines” persist, to use a metaphor of the space-time information cone of physics.

Perhaps simultaneity (or its close approximation) of signals reaching an axon is relevant to whether a signal passes to the nucleus. Such intersections should be common, so perhaps intensity of signal is indeed relevant averaged over some time interval, measured in chemical reaction time, chemical kinetics. (I learned from a Great Courses lecture, that this is the current (2016) neurological description. DAMN, I’m smart!! just reasoning from intersections of hierarchical networks).

Do I care if the consequences of those actions, including words spoken and written on this page, have lasting maybe even “good” consequences themselves and contribute to a “better” world for God, people, other critters, and rocks? Not really, but it’s even more fun to speculate about that. Well, maybe I do care a little here. Wouldn’t it be great if someone read this page, next year or even 1000 years from now? Sigh ..... I do care a little, very selfish of me, I know.
Perhaps signals carry “knowledge” of their origin, like internet IP addresses, perhaps as frequency variations in reaching certain chemical thresholds (songs, if you will, remembered somehow in those cellular filters) So perhaps we have timing, intensity music to guide our neural signals on their way. These symphonic cascades flood my brain, always have, always will, so long as the energy required for their passage is available (20% I hear of our total calorie expenditure is consumed by the brain).

I use “always” because I am those cascades and if they were not to occur the universe would disappear, time would cease and “forever” would have ended taking “always” with it. Do I care about how the momentum of my cascades and even their consequences in my actions and thoughts, will play out in an eternity beyond my death, my “always”? Not really, but it’s fun to speculate.

Do I care if my actions, the consequences of my cascades, offend authorities with power to compel me, even kill me? Yes. I do think it wise to be aware of other’s powers and their triggers to action.

Do care if my actions offend some god or other sense of justice that will (can) mete out judgement when I die and control my “eternal” fate? No, not at all (well, maybe a little residual remains). That is a hard one to get rid of and that’s where I have some trouble with one of my early mentors, Jesus, as preached in Sunday School. But am seeing agreement on re-reading the red words, if I ignore the miracles, added I suspect as advertisements.

Do I care if my cascades enhance or detract from my chances of immortality? No, not at all. But I think I still curse God a little bit, perhaps a lot, for killing me. At least I find it very sad. Though of course I won’t be sad after I die. Perhaps someone will read these words after I die, but they will never be able to recreate the universe that is me. These words and the ideas they express may become part of some other universe’s “ideas”, but it won’t be mine; it well be shit’s (she-he-it neologism, see entry for 6/27/2012). ISTMRN immortality of “me” is not to be.

First create darkness so your lantern will shine brighter.
Lower the flame of the hearth so your winters are warmer
Shun refrigerated air so your summers are cooler.

There’s got to be a word for such apparently absurd juxtapositions intended to reveal deeper thoughts; literary techniques we contrarians use to confuse then enlighten.

The pure self is selfless
One must lose oneself to find oneself.
God is shit.
Trust no one and no one will violate your trust.
Eat of the tree of knowledge and you will be cursed.
The world of appearances is but a shadow of reality flickering on a cave’s walls.
Power is meekness (Jesus, Lao Tzu)
Strong is bending.

You get the picture. What’s the term for such aphorisms? or, If there no pattern to them is there no word? Do patterns make words or do words make patterns? Both, ISTRMRN. Vain, but fun for speculation.