20111225 (J, ON)
Journal: December 25, 2011 (Christmas Day)
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Death                   Idea of "Other"                Soul

Late Christmas Eve late or early Christmas day. “What does God have to do with it?” Jim asked. Big question.
    • Immortality
    • Meaning
    • Morality
All interlinked; and from these flow communal identity and human, perhaps all life. (This is the first reference to the big 3 MMM's of God, added 20200623)

(One Note):
Despite the ubiquitous never NOT observed mortality of individual life (Jesus and Ganymede exempted). Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and Chinese ancestor worshipers have a concept of immortality usually to be achieved along hard, righteous, lonely path. The proper behavior to gain immortality can be:
  • achieved by chosing the right path;
  • rewarded or punished based on behavior;
  • indifferently respect nature and others;
  • perpetuate family
  • etc.
The Hindu bud of Buddhism has something even better; the end of ceaseless cycle of death and rebirth, samsara. Essentially life sucks to a Buddhist. However, all approaches to immortality seem to proscribe a rigorous path of righteousness to achieve it.

Sorry folks, it ain't gonna happen. All rules for following the path are for naught, probably. Cuz' ya never know about those things. There have been and are now lots of communications between and among people and things from "the other side", prayer included. Though none in my experience provide systematic, repeatable demonstrations of a single characteristic of "the other side". Though many such communications have been shown to be scams. But a small number, it just takes one, you know, might be able to so communicate with and to demonstrate that the "other side" exists.

Perhaps at least one of these concepts is "possible". Despite this reservation, on my scale of 1 to 10, immortality doesn't even register, perhaps at one in a million, but I can't really distinguish one part in a million of anything except for a few smells, maybe tastes, and the pressures of a gentle breeze on the hairs of my arms; no, that's more like one in a thousand. So you see, I don't give any form of immortality much credence, discounting the ever-ongoing cycling of elements through, well, me, you, a dog named blue, the biosphere, the atmosphere, the geosphere, the solsphere, the galactosphere, and even the unisphere.

Perhaps at least one of these concepts is "possible". Despite this reservation, on my scale of 1 to 10, immortality doesn't even register, perhaps at one in a million, but I can't really distinguish one part in a million of anything except for a few smells, maybe tastes, and the pressures of a gentle breeze on the hairs of my arms; no, that's more like one in a thousand. So you see, I don't give any form of immortality much credence, discounting the ever-ongoing cycling of elements through, well, me, you, a dog named blue, the biosphere, the atmosphere, the geosphere, the solsphere, the galactosphere, and even the unisphere.

I don't think I will be around to see much of such immortal recycling, at least not in geosphere time scales. You know of course that some of the carbon atoms in our body were also in those of Jesus, Buddha, Hitler, and a dog named blue.

But that isn't "me". So, what is this thing called "I" then, that won't be around much longer so must be around now? You know, I really don't know that one either. Another, who also doesn't know, I think, and a widely recognized wise man said, "Me, just me", and I might add, "just a participant and an observer", like everyone else I've ever met.

No, I like "Me, just me" better. Just a lucky hitchhiker on the roads of time.
Nope, "Me, just me". An entire universe different than any other universe.
Nope. A spark of God in human form.
No way (it may be true, I doubt it; "no way" here means not a good answer to the question; my-o'-my don't those value scales pop up everywhere, so, of course, it's a good answer, like all others and infinite more from each of infinite more, well 7 billion more plus dead at least, people).

Justl lil' ol' temporary me, permanence measured at atomic scales in, hmmm, ok, nanoseconds, or perhaps quanta of time or at geosphere or unisphere scales. At those scales it really doesn't matter to humans, because humans don't matter at those scales, perhaps we will, again strong doubts, but not now

Something that thinks. Yeah, that me, as Descartes said. Wow do I ever think; so does everyone I've met. Feeling? Sure, physical and emotional. But now we are into characteristics rather than definitions, so there are infinite descriptors, though my universe only has a few at hand, and a few more at the end of a available chains of planned actions.

But we humans, I think, in our love of life invented a story of immortality to provide hope that this thing, whatever it is, a soul, a spirit, a consciousness, a self, lives on after life. And, you know, Jim, that's really quite a story. Not only does it promise to perpetuate the good things of life, but in most stories it also gets rid of the bad (a trick is usually inserted here, IF you act properly in this life, else Hell). And who knows, it might be true, God might be real. I'm waiting for the evidence. However, I don't think my mind capable of conjuring evidence that a soul is NOT immortal, once the story got out that it's beyond our ken. Immortality lives in the "Other World" beyond the senses, only in the "mind". I seriously doubt "I" will survive my pending death