20110903 (J)
Journal: September 03, 2011
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Idea of God                              Idea of Time                              Origins

Ode to Zeus: I often look at the sky and ponder how the Greeks @ 1000 BC look at it. I think they got it a little wrong, but understandably. Zeus, the sky god, was more powerful than Apollo (later) Helios (earlier), the sun god. We now envision the sun as the driver of the atmosphere (Greek for sky around all).

The power of Zeus to the Greeks could hide the truth represented by the sun by obscuring it with clouds. At times when he is angered and throwing his lightning bolts, the truth and light of Apollo is almost totally extinguished. When his anger subside he lets the sun return, perhaps in full glory decorated by Iris.

Great stories from times of personification of animism, times of glorification of humans over everything except the gods (who are just super-humans). Zeus just rumbled as I wrote this. We glorify humans above the gods now.