20110723 (ON)
Journal: July 23, 2011
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Death                Morality

Fear of death, I guess, is a major contributor to morality; death is simply evil, so saving lives is good (and lots of other stuff that "helps people").

Human Rights (Freedom and Security)                Zanesville Massacre
Tucked away on page 9, Sun Times 27 Dec, 2011, about an article announcing a law that people in back seats must use seatbelts. Says James Dougherty, Director Trauma and Critical Care Programs at Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn (he is a medical doctor, I assume, note the long title, so what he says is very authoritative, just like in the middle ages when the length of titles was also important (Human Nature).

"It's a public safety issue that trumps personal-decision making. Unfortunately, some things need to be required by law to keep people safe".

So let's keep our boys over there fighting not for American freedom but for American safety. It seems any statistically identifiable human-caused increase in THREAT (not actual harm) to an individual person's safety, justifies restrictions, even eliminations of freedoms. Any threat? Let's take driving and seat belts. The article claims 64 percent of back-seat passengers who are killed in automobile high-acceleration events (a small amount of total crashes) are not wearing seat belts. That means of course, 36 percent are wearing seat belts. So seatbelt use in back seats shades the odds a little bit above 50-50 for death, enough to restrict freedom to NOT wear seat belts.

Idea of God
While watching a film on Genghis Khan and Mongolia, the narrator mentioned "the ten rules of empire" including, as I recall, Loyalty, Belief in Divine approval, No compunction to kill enemies, Pay Taxes. These seem to be the current beliefs also. Loyalty to America, Family, God, etc. it seems, is a strong belief of many. Loyalty places truth in the authority to which you are loyal, not in observation-directed thought. It is perhaps a lot easier to trust in the truth and goodness of that to which one is loyal, but can, and often does, lead people to do things that others consider bad. So too can following the "truth seekers" or even "reason" just like any other authority.