20110618 (J)
Journal: June 18, 2011
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Morality                         Souls

Scales of Good and Evil: My sister asked, “Don’t you think there is evil?” and by implication “good” in the world? I confirmed her suspicion.

Well, either there is no good and evil or there are 7 billion equally valid “goods” and “evils”. Or perhaps there is only one “true” scale? God’s scale? Or even our own scale? Perhaps it is our duty to “uncover” the “hidden” true scale and offer it, often by conversion, to others to accept or at least live by the true scale, God’s scale.

In my universe God leans more to the first alternative, no good and evil. But if there is no good to spread to the world and evil to extinguish? What then is the meaning, the purpose of anything? Of everything?

None that I can see. “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity” saith the Preacher.

Humans seem to have an urge to assign precise if not accurate scales for all sorts of “goods” and “evils”, to everything. They often feel compelled to spread the “good”, tolerate the middle, and destroy the “evil”, i.e. the enemy of the good.


But it sure leads to a lot of interesting activity, especially as mixed (merged) with sexually urged activity. It appears to me to indicate a quite vexed state of mind that I conclude lots of people find pleasurable, and even pursue as their summum bonum.

I think what is, is. There is nothing else. My consciousness of this instant including images of things past and yet to be is part of “what is”, as the urge for morality expressed at this moment in this writing. With this consciousness and my deeper urges, and a belief there is no “good and evil”, I am pretty well free to make my own universe of meaning. I choose awe. Awe at my drop of consciousness in a wide, wide sea of eternal “other”; of “unconsciousness”, unawareness, death, hydrogen and helium.