20110404 (J)
Journal: April 4, 2011
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Death                    Idea of "Other"                    Morality

Conjuring God (Immortality): It sometimes seems the human imagination is unlimited, which of course it isn’t. One of its greatest conjurings is the idea of immortality (Genesis 3:22) But is it a conjuring? Perhaps an offering? Or perhaps an inevitability? I sure don’t know, but I strongly suspect it is but a conjuring based upon hope of avoiding death.

If you are going to imagine, I can think of no better one than immortality. Many ISTMRN accept the offered hypothesis, usually with a symmetrical “good-evil” -- "world-afterlife” (Genesis 3:22), offering both reward (heaven, nirvana) or punishment (hell, samsara). “God” or its duly appointed representatives judge our choices at each fork of the road we encounter, even the last one at our “death”.

What a great instrument for social control! And what a field for bickering, arguing, loving, and killing over whose boundary to believe twixt good and evil is the “right” boundary, i.e. the one God agrees with; the immortal, unchanging giver of life. So morality plays on our deepest dread of death, but if we act “just right” maybe, just maybe we will survive as a conscious entity with all or some of our memories intact after death.

Maybe, but I doubt it.