20110316 (J)
Journal: March 16, 2011
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Epistemology                                Idea of "Other"                                Soul

Community Knowledge: Occasionally I wonder about the relation between (among) personal knowledge and community knowledge. It often seems there must be something like “community knowledge”, but then I usually settle on “no such thing exists”; knowledge is all personal.

But what about libraries and books? Don’t they represent “community” knowledge? Perhaps, but someone must read a book to make it his or her personal “knowledge” else it is just matter no different than a rock.

More later, now I am off to another chair to watch Mad Max for the first time in, oh, say, 10 years or more. Back. I suspect I am in part a detail person, so long as the details are of my choosing. Details are but stones to be arranged in a Japanese garden.

Every year for the past few I have cordially commented to the coffee shop clerk at the onset of winter that, “I asked old man winter to stay away this year, but he never listens to me”. It’s probably a good thing that I don’t have god’s ear; I’m sure I could really fuck things up, sort of like we humans doing are since the invention of idea of the "other" universe beyond the senses, i.e. counting or maybe fire.