20101110 (J, ON)
Journal: November 10, 2010
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Design as Purpose                      Souls

Self: Buddha is often presented as calling for elimination of “self” as way to attaining “non-self or un-self”. I think this misses his point. Self is both IS and IS NOT. To be mindful, ISTMRN, means to recognize each instant and that the “changing self” is the recognizer; that self is also just atoms in the winds of time.

                                                                          Spaceship Design
Ion Collector Spaceship

Deploy a huge conic collector (thin electrical wire only, minimal mass) facing in the direction of travel, magnetic to concentrate the ions in a nuclear reactor. There ions could be heated to accelerate them to the rear. It is an old idea, the ion drive, but I never saw a collector. The acceleration of the spaceship can be large and constant, until friction from interstellar ionized hydrogen starts to decrease efficiency noticeably. There is also some helium that will make the engine more efficient (more momentum). If you can fuse the hydrogen, even better.