20101109 (J)
Journal: November 9, 2010
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Idea of God                       Language                       Thought Process

Laws and Universes: Long ago I said “God is my greatest hope and greatest fear.” Hope because most gods are linked to immortality, so perhaps it is this that is my hope, not its symbol; fear because the laws of nature could be put in abeyance by reason or whim of a god, and I do hold to a “reality” based in large part on those laws.

Wait! It’s perhaps in small part, because I can’t predict the next leaf to fall. But wait again! I “could” if I knew the position and vector of every particle. But I don’t, plus what we currently claim are probabilistic transformations mean history is not predictable, but generalized hypothetical history is.

And it these laws, when agreed to, allow us to share a view of our individual universes, at times thinking ours is the only universe.