20101102 (J)
Journal: November 2, 2010
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Math: I am trying to decide if I think mathematics has a special relationship with “reality” and is its best describer. It certainly seems so, but it is so limited that it can only describe general, possible patterns, not actual matter; process but not substance, and only for processes that are generalized. We can accurately predict that many leaves will fall from a tree in today, but are unable to predict which leaf will fall next. This is not to demean what math can do, but to illuminate its limitations.

“Ah, but we could if we knew the position and momentum and vibrating frequency of every atom or string” But we don’t.

Maybe given quantum randomness, or at least apparent randomness, that is beyond the ken of mathematics: That is very humbling.

Evolution: I found something sticking in my craw about evolution, something to do with how a single gene mutation can propagate to a shared community trait. Probably mostly by “accident”. Every individual’s gametes are bombarded with ionizing radiation. It’s like a “field” of alpha and beta particles and gamma photons, bathing our gametes ionizing them, changing them.

So each sexual or asexual union passes along myriad mutations (SNP’s), reinforcing the number of individuals with the mutation, whether “adaptive” or not, riding free upon waves of a sea of unchanged genes, adaptive and not. So how do we end up with the same number of teeth and different colored hair?