20101029 (J)
Journal: October 29, 2010
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Death                       Desire                       Language                       Souls

Standard Model: My contrariness leads me to challenge the Standard Model of physics for its lack of completeness (inability to predict the next leaf to fall from the tree across the street), but told myself (whoever the “teller” and “tellee” are) to “get with it”. The Standard Model (capitalized even) is an excellent backdrop to any conscious state. We can never reach “completeness” (well maybe our “aware” evolutionary progeny can a few billion years or so from now).

So is “completeness” of understanding my God? Certainly, whether part of it or far beyond, outside, oblivious to human capacity, or not? But perhaps this is but my jealousy that not possessing the “mathematics”, I am excluded from the inner sanctum of the “understander’s” club.

But math or other religions presuppose levels of attainment and long arduous pathways to god and understanding, with different people or their spirits at different points along the “way”. Poppycock!! It is ALL here, now, for every universe, i.e. every individual, whether we know it or not. But to me it’s sad we have to die; it’s sad we can’t know god; it’s sad we can’t talk to other species; and it’s sad that ignorance and suffering are part of each universe; well, mine at least.

Two of my attachments seem be (1) a desire to be “liked” and (2) a desire for immortality or fear of their inverse, (1) someone not liking me and (2) inevitable death. I have achieved a measure of dismissal of both these desires and fears. I practice “fen shue” in carefully filling my trash bags. Wu wie …… Whoooo – weee.

There are infinite things I am unaware of, modern life is actually an individual’s ignorance explosion which goes along with “society’s” information explosion and associated knowledge explosion of the species. But that just means more things I don’t know, because my knowledge is finite, its circumscription based on my genes, sensations, and processed perceptions. I am chasing the seductress of “truth”. (perhaps Urania, perhaps Boethius's Lady Philosophy added Aug/11/2016) She leads me on, promising enlightenment, nirvana, peace, heaven, or whatever my deepest desires and hopes might be for.

But she always stays just beyond my reach. In that, I am everyman.