20100500 (J)
Journal: May 2010
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The first five of six of the entries below are labeled Spring, the other seven Gout (this was a gout month).

2010.05.03: The leaves are mostly out now, except for a few stragglers.
2010.05.04: Maple seed helicopters are whirling down from the trees, cottonwood seeds are sailing on the breeze.
2010.05.05: Gout flare-up starting in my left big toe where it joins the foot. Started last night sleeping. By evening
                     it has migrated to include my instep, where it first appeared 6 months ago.
2010.05.12: The leaves are all out now …. Sigh ….. so the view is blocked by green.
2010.05.13: The maple seed wings are flying again today, aligning with the wind after settling onto the parking lot
                     with 1000’s of others, dynamically pointing in all directions reflecting local variations in the wind.
2010.05.14: Sunset, between the peach and mauve edged clouds, are shades of turquoise from “blue-blue green”
                     to “green-blue-green” and all shades between, almost iridescent.
2010.05.20: Gout is back, now in my right heel.
2010.05.21: Gout, God, or the Cubs? Gout is worse.
2010.05.23: Gout still in right heel. First really hot day of summer, actually late spring. A weekend
                     so I am sure many got bad sunburns today, especially those on the reflective water. Roadsides, forests,
                     and meadows are filled with what seems to me to be phlox, 2-3 feet tall, sky blue and lavender flowers.
2010.05.25: Gout still sore on right heel, yesterday was very bad.
2010.05.26: Gout much better, can walk almost without a limp
2010.05.29: Gout in right heel is still sore, just short of a limp.
2010.06.01: This year there are 3 baby squirrels in the nest at the top of the utility pole. They are trying out
                     their climbing skills at the top 1 to 3 feet of the pole. One is very adventurous (3 feet); one is very
                     timid (1 foot). Gout is starting up in my left big toe-to-foot joint. Still sore on right heel.
2010.06.03: Gout seems to not be the cause of the left foot-ball joint soreness, left over from previous attack.
                     Heel is still a little sore, but better I think. I witnessed the most extraordinary (actually quite
                     ordinary) event. A mother squirrel leading her three cubs down the pole and, I assume, to a better
                     summer nest, or training ground. The adventurous one made it down by itself, but the other two,
                     despite coaxing by the mother, and despite foray up and down the top 5 feet of the pole by themselves,
                     eventually had to be carried by the mother, attached to her belly.