20050226 (J)
Journal: February 26, 2005
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Apprearance and Reality                    Morality                    We Are Right (WAR)

Group Cohesion: To create a group (politically) you must create and focus upon a common enemy.

          • Hitler: jews
          • Vietnam War: communists
          • Iraq War: Saddam Hussein, WMD’s, terrorists
          • Rome: barbarians
          • Current War: ISIS
          • Etc. etc. etc.

Then you must demonize the other group as threats to your security, physical or moral, e.g. ISIS terrorists threaten us AND they don’t respect women. This “patriotism” or group identity applies at all levels of group cohesion: family, church, school, town, state, nation, university, religion, race, continent, sport team, etc. etc.

So it always become “us” vrs. “them”. Without an enemy there is no basis on which a group identity can be sustained. Enemies provide meaning to life, a cause for living, validation of one’s morality, excuses one to lose one’s self in the “group” morality (ala Eric Hoffer’s true believer). “Political leaders climb on the back of enemies”, (Malcolm Little, better known as Malcolm X). Leaders hype and use “enemies”; the cretins follow and even will “sacrifice”, perhaps even their life, to “defend” the group’s security and/or morals, and, perhaps to “spread” the morality of the group to the “cretins’ of the enemy – believing the “people” of the enemy really “want” to be like “us”, but are prohibited by guns of dictators or perhaps by ignorance about our superior way of life.

Malcomb Little was good to put responsibility on blacks for their own destiny, but he played the whites as “the enemy” card strongly in order to gain control of cretin adherents.

This entry is based on watching a PBS program about Malcolm X, who is a contrarian like me, but much more at ease speaking his contrarian views like saying Martin Luther King was wrong to other black leaders and followers.