20040223 (CCC)
Journal: February 23, 2004
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Jail Time                            Morality
Note: second gap in journalling but first multi-day gap

I don’t seem to have anything to say. Constant anger is seething within. In the jargon of the program, I feel like the “victim-victim” role. Everyone in my group has raped someone young. I have not, yet I am supposed to confess to my harming of my victim. If not actual harm then confess to what “would have been”. I have a sentenced for a “thought crime”. I am being punished, sentenced to as much time, as much as people here with actual sexual contact, often with pre-pubescent children.

I still don’t think sex with a post-pubescent or perhaps younger minors is necessarily harmful, only the social stigma (shame) that comes before and after is harmful, at least mentally if not even physically. If it were considered socially OK, then consensual sex with minors would be good and enjoyable (ancient Sparta comes to mind). But parents who hate themselves for their own shame of sexual desire pass it on to their children AND to laws to protect them from the “egregious sin” of lust and sex and body ..... bullshit!