20040206 (CCC)
Journal: February 6, 2004
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Idea of Time                            Jail Time

Last day of “New Beginnings” part of the “Program”. Time seems to move very slow and very fast. One month and six days done of six months. Somehow I feel this is my life and I could stay here for life. I dread jail and prison in Illinois. I am probably suffering resentment for being here because I don’t feel explicit anger. I get flashed of scenes from places along my driving commutes quite often. Just now of the shopping center of Lake-Cook Road. I guess I don’t think of what I will do when I get out because I think it is 2 to 5 years away. THAT makes me mad. I am not writing letters, I just don’t feel like communicating because I will get mad talking to “free” people in letters or phone. I have not called anyone in 3 weeks.